The more than 31,500 members of the association are organized into 62 chapters. Some of those chapters also contain branches to make the relationship even more localized.
Each chapter has a delegate which is appointed by the chapter’s Executive Committee. Each Delegate serves on the Council of Chapters and the Council serves advisors to the APWA Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Technical Committees, and staff in support of the mission of APWA and in accordance with the association’s bylaws and parliamentary procedures. Delegates also act as a conduit in sharing the opinions and ideas of their chapters and serving as points of contact at the local (chapter and branch), regional, and national levels for the dissemination of information to and from members.
The association is governed by a Board of 18 members which includes:
- President
- President-Elect
- Immediate Past President
- 9 Regional Directors
- 5 Technical Directors
- APWA CEO (non-voting)
The Regional Directors are elected by the membership in their region. The Technical Directors cover specific topics related to public works and they are elected by the association membership. The President-Elect is chosen from among the Board members and moves into the President position the following year at the APWA’s annual conference, PWX. Elections for Board positions are announced in the APWA Reporter magazine and on the APWA website.
Although the Canadian Public Works Association is part of APWA, it also has its own 8-member Board which addresses Canadian national-level issues and provides national outreach. These Board members are appointed by the APWA President.