Careers in Public Works
Workforce Development Strategy and Roadmap
The Workforce Development Strategy ensures APWA's workforce development investment, activities, and programs produce the outcomes to support a skilled workforce in public works.
The Workforce Development Roadmap outlines the strategic approach to navigate workforce recruitment and retention.
Shaping the World of Public Works Booklet
The Shaping the World of Public Works Booklet is perfect for use with both secondary schools and community outreach efforts. This 20-page, full-color, informational booklet on public works careers is a fantastic item to get into students' hands at outreach presentations, career fairs, community events, and during National Public Works Week activities. With its sturdy construction, it is a great tool to provide tangible information about opportunities in public works for students, teachers, parents, and candidates.
The printable SWPW Career Chart provides a downloadable option of the chart included in the booklet. The chart cross-references 150 popular public works positions to their career clusters while providing working environment, required education, and average salary. This easy-to-print item provides immediate access to the information included on the chart in the booklet. This is a great way to preview what the materials include or to provide information to an individual.

APWA WorkZone
The APWA WorkZone provides listings of public work job opportunities across North America. Click through the available opportunities in APWA WorkZone or contact your local public works department today to see what jobs and career opportunities are available.
If you learn better by doing, you might find that some agencies can give you much-needed experience through part-time or temporary positions they have open. Some agencies even offer internships that provide college credit.
Resource Center
Visit the Resource Center to check out these resources related to public works careers.