About APWA Government Affairs
One of APWA’s core missions is to be the voice of public works to government leaders throughout the US and Canada.
From creating public policy priorities to encouraging members to actively participate in legislative and regulatory processes, the APWA Government Affairs team is constantly working to grow our relationships with leaders in the US Congress and Canadian Parliament. These relationships are key to allowing governments to recognize and prioritize the importance of public works—especially in our role as first responders.
You can help us achieve our vision of advancing the quality of life for all by sharing your stories and advocating on the local level.

APWA's US focus is to advocate and educate leaders on the importance of investing in transportation infrastructure, water and waste water infrastructure, public utilities, emergency response services, and the many basic needs essential to every thriving community.

Recognizing the importance of a unified voice for public works, APWA works in Canada to advocate for the importance of public works and to promote infrastructure as one of the economic drivers for the nation.

Connect With Us
Our Government Affairs team have dedicated government affairs social media accounts on Twitter and LinkedIn. Make sure you follow APWA Government Affairs to stay up to date on all things related to Government Affairs.