With an initial $80M in funds to soon be made available, the U.S. Dept. of Labor (DOL) has announced that applications will soon be accepted for its Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Program.

The program seeks to fund public-private partnerships to develop, implement, and hone worker-focused training programs to grow a well-trained and skilled workforce capable of supporting and successfully implementing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

Applicants are required to propose grant projects which fit one of two training tracks; a Development Track, and a Scaling Track. The former will establish local and regional partnerships for training programs, while the latter will work to invest in already-established partnerships with a track record of demonstrated success in training programs.

Applications for the program are due July 7, 2023. The DOL has stated it anticipates upwards of approximately $200M, over multiple funding cycles, for the program.

Please reach out to Jeff Finegan at jfinegan@apwa.org or at (202)-218-6728 with questions or comments