
To recognize a team or organization for advancements made in their Asset Management (AM) System. The AM System refers to the global activities of the organization geared toward maximizing the value the community receives from infrastructure assets.


Anyone actively involved in the public works profession is eligible. APWA membership is not required. APWA Asset Management Committee members are not eligible during the time they serve on the committee.


The Awards Committee reviews the nominations and selects the award winner. Only one award will be selected each year.


Asset Management will be judged on the overall positive effect it has made on the value their community receives as a result of the agency’s AM System. Applications should address the following specific criteria, which will be evaluated in the selection process:

  • Balanced decision-making—Describe how the agency has determined appropriate levels of service for an asset and how they balance it against risks and cost
  • Strategic alignment—Describe how the agency has tied their AM policy to maximizing value and aligned it with the vision, mission, and goals of the organization
  • Organizational alignment—Describe how agency staff has tied their various operations protocols, level of service analysis, program and budget development and prioritization to maximize the value the community receives from their infrastructure assets
  • Accountability—Describe the community and stakeholder engagement and public reporting component the agency provides to the community regarding how well the agency is doing to maximize value from their infrastructure assets.

Nomination Process

Nominations may be made by any public agency or APWA chapter. Submissions are limited to ten pages. The ten pages do not include a letter of introduction from the chapter.


March 3, 2025


The award winner is presented with a plaque at the Awards Recognition Ceremony during PWX and are featured in APWA publications.

Award Winners

Town of Windsor, Public Works Department, Windsor, Colorado

Village of Buffalo Grove, Public Works, Buffalo Grove, Illinois

Village of Schaumburg, Illinois