
To recognize an individual, team, or organization for the development, management, and implementation of a creative idea, program, process, or system that enhances the delivery of public works services to the public. A management innovation is defined as a procedure such as a system, program, or process.


Anyone actively involved in the public works profession is eligible. APWA membership is not required.


The Awards Committee reviews the nominations and selects the award winners.


Innovations will be judged on the overall positive effect it has made on the agency, the public, and/or the community relative to the delivery of public works services that are new and creative methods and programs. These may include, but are not limited to, materials, design, or equipment that improves efficiency, disseminates information, or educates the public and/or personnel. The innovations must be proven cost effective and sustainable. They must have been successfully implemented and demonstrate a significant advancement, rather than be the result of natural evolution of existing methods, common sense, or good practice. The innovations must be well-documented and presented in a manner that describes the deficiency and/or challenge and the results of innovation implementation.

Applications should address the following specific criteria, which will be evaluated in the selection process:

  • Describe the complexity of the innovation—provide specific information related to the challenge identified and the innovation utilized to address it
  • Explain the innovation’s positive impact—provide specific information related to the long-term benefits and operational efficiencies realized to public works
  • Describe the approach utilized to create the innovation—provide detailed information on the originality and approach utilized to create the management innovation

Nomination Process

Nominations may be made by any public agency or APWA chapter. Submissions are limited to ten pages. The ten pages do not include a letter of introduction from the chapter/nominator.


March 3, 2025


The award winners are presented with a plaque at the Awards Recognition Ceremony during PWX and are featured in APWA publications. 

Award Winners

Future of Rapid Transportation Innovation Lab, City of Kansas City, Missouri Public Works

Team of Town Windsor, Colorado, Public Services and NeoTreks, Inc.

Thomas Roy, PE, Director of Public Works, Town of Simsbury, Connecticut

Regional Express Lanes Concept of Operations, Southern California Association of Governments

In Cab Turn by Turn Navigation Routing System, Village of Niles, Illinois

MaPIT – MassDOT Project Intake Tool, Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Boston, Massachusetts

Project Server, York Region, Ontario

Right-of-Way Management Systems, Laclede Gas Company, St. Louis, Missouri

Neighborhood Partnering Program, City of Austin, Texas

Assumption of the Public Works Department, City of Junction City, Kansas

Alternate Work Week Schedule, City of Fairway, Kansas

Oregon Transportation Investment Act III State Bridge Delivery Program, Oregon Department of Transportation

Public Works University, Lee’s Summit, Missouri