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Members of different agencies across the country will outline how they address memorials in the right of way. This session will outline how agencies can ensure the safety and well-being of all while also allowing those affected by deaths in the right of way to grieve in their own way.

After completing this course, participants will be better able to:

  1. Identify the importance of establishing a written policy to address memorials in the right of way.
  2. Demonstrate how to remain neutral in the potentially highly charged and sensitive situations related to memorials in the right of way.
  3. Discuss how to balance safety, aesthetics, and cultural beliefs in areas designed for use by all.

Proficiency Level: Introductory, Applied, Advanced


  • Operator/Field Personnel
  • Supervisors
  • Mid-level Managers
  • Directors or Upper Management

This program offers 0.1 CEU credits for the one-hour presentation portion of the program. The final half hour, discussions in the lounge area are optional. This program is sponsored by the APWA Utilities and Public Rights-of-Way Committee.

Registration: Free for members; $99 nonmember

Instructions for joining the webinar will be emailed to you the day prior, and day of the event.

A recording of this program will be available through the APWA Resource Center 3-4 weeks following the live program.

Click, Listen and Learn Contact Information Questions: (800) 848-2792,

LAST DAY TO REGISTER: 12 Noon Central Time August 28, 2024