Solid Waste Summit thumbnail

While there is heavy emphasis in the Solid Waste industry on regulations, and reduce, reuse, and recycle, we often do not focus on the trucks and people that make responsible solid waste management possible. The Solid Waste Summit is a live virtual program created to teach attendees innovative ways to maintain a healthy fleet and limit downtime. Attendees will gain insight on effective transition planning to an alternative fuels fleet, considering the increasing number of rising electric and gas options. To wrap up the summit, a panel discussion will present on how climate changes are affecting the future of debris management and collection methods, sharing some best practices.

Summit Objectives

  • Teach innovative ways to keep the solid waste collection fleet on the street and out of the shop.
  • Determine how an organization can plan and implement alternative fuels vehicles into the solid waste collection fleet.
  • Discuss best practices and the future of debris collection in response to the growing number of severe weather events.

Fleet Health and Maintenance Best Practices

Members of the Fleet Management Committee will present innovative ways to keep your fleet on the road and out of the shop. This session will focus on communication, pre/post trip inspections, and preventative maintenance plans.

Learning Objectives

  • Implement effective fleet communication protocols.
  • Learn to conduct thorough pre- and post-trip inspections.
  • Design and execute preventative maintenance plans.

Transitioning to Alternative Fuels

The Transport Project is a group dedicated to the decarbonization of North America’s transportation sector, and they will present on transition planning for an alternative fuels fleet.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the steps for transitioning to an alternative fuels fleet.
  • Evaluate the financial and operational impacts of alternative fuels.
  • Develop a transition plan for alternative fuels.

Debris Management in a Changing Climate

With climate change bringing more frequent and harsher storms, debris management will be a tough aspect to any solid waste operation. This panel discussion will present on how climate changes are affecting the future of debris management and collection methods, sharing some best practices.

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze the impact of climate change on debris collection.
  • Examine best practices in current debris collection methods.
  • Develop a plan for future debris management challenges.

Proficiency Level: Applied

Registration: $90 for members; $115 for nonmembers


  • This program offers .3 CEU credits
  • Instructions for joining the event will be emailed to you the day prior, and day of the first session.
  • Questions: (800) 848-2792,  

LAST DAY TO REGISTER: March 12, 2025, 12 p.m. Central Time