About This Group
The Government Affairs Committee (GAC) has responsibility for identifying, drafting, and leading the promotion of APWA’s public policy priorities to the US Congress and federal agencies. The GAC drafts public policy priorities representative of APWA’s broad membership and obtains approval from APWA’s Board of Directors on the identified priorities per each Congressional cycle, every two years. GAC members are expected to have direct experience and interest in at least one of the public policy priority areas of transportation, water, emergency preparedness and response, and to actively contribute to public policy drafting, review, and the advocacy of adopted policies. Further, GAC members are required to consistently participate in monthly conference calls and attend the committee’s two annual face-to-face meetings—the spring meeting in Washington, DC and the late summer meeting at PWX. During the DC meeting, GAC members meet with key members/offices of the US House of Representatives, the US Senate, and federal government agencies. GAC members also work within their chapters/branches to promote advocacy as an organizational priority and APWA’s public policy priorities. Additionally, GAC members contribute the monthly “GAC Insight” column for the APWA Reporter.
The ideal candidate will possess a strong interest in public policy and current events. They must have direct experience working in at least one of APWA’s priority areas of transportation, water, and emergency management so they are able to bring that “real world,” firsthand knowledge to the policy process on behalf of APWA. A member of the GAC must be able and willing to attend the GAC spring meeting held each year in Washington, DC and be comfortable speaking on behalf of APWA to elected officials and their staff, as well as policymakers in the federal government broadly. The ideal GAC candidate must also be committed to supporting APWA’s strategic goal of being “the voice of public works to government leaders and media” by promoting advocacy and advocacy outreach within and through their chapters/branches to promote public works and APWA’s public policy priorities at the local and state levels.