About This Group
One APWA member appointed by the President-Elect, may serve up to three, two-year terms. The APWA President-Elect may choose to extend beyond three terms. (Term is March 2022-February 2025).
The purpose of SAFECOM, a communications program within the Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC), is to provide research, development, testing and evaluation, guidance, tools, and templates on communications-related issues to local, tribal, state, and Federal emergency response agencies working to improve emergency response through more effective and efficient interoperable wireless communications. PSAC is an outgrowth of SAFECOM. Its function is to be the advisory committee to the FirstNet Board on the development of standards and specifications and implementation of the NPSBN. APWA was designated by DHS – OEC and SAFECOM as a member organization of PSAC. APWA’s participation is to provide public works perspective and expertise.
Involves two meetings a year and review of numerous materials. SAFECOM conference calls are about 30 minutes long and occur as needed. Requires an annual written report submitted to APWA. Appointee is responsible for expenses.