Teresa Hon is the Senior Board Operations and Governance. In this role, she provides management and administration of Board and committee operations and nominations, administrative support to the CEO, and manages the association’s governance documents.
Teresa joined the staff in 2000 as the Professional Development Department Coordinator. In 2007 she was promoted to Program Manager where she was responsible for staffing Technical Committees, was the point of contact for the PAVER software program, and coordinated the annual committee nominations and appointment process until her move to the executive offices in 2016.
Teresa came to APWA after spending nearly 19 years in nonprofit association management, working for the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) prior to their relocation to another state.
Teresa is a member of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and the Kansas City ASAE. She has presented at the ASAE conference on “Developing a High-Performing, High Producing Volunteer Committee.” The topic was also featured in Membership Management Report.
Teresa served as one of four individuals who administered the Platte County Youth Football League (PCYFL) from 1997 through 2008. She was instrumental in implementing a formal governance structure and securing the league’s 501(c)(3) designation.