Core Topic Areas
National approval is based on participants receiving instruction in 11 core units outlined below. Institutes have the discretion to decide what content to deliver from a range of topics listed under each core unit. It is not required that Institutes cover all topics under each core unit but consider the topics as a guidance tool. Local, regional and state responsibilities may warrant additional sub-units be included by the Institute.
- Supervisory Techniques and Skills
- Basic Management Skills
- Communication Skills
- Leadership Skills
- Community Service/Customer Orientation Skills
- Legal Understanding
- Fundamentals of Government
- Finance
- Resource Management Skills
- Public Works Operations
- Creating the Future
Institute Length
The minimum accepted length of an institute is 90 podium or educational classroom contact hours. The format and breakdown of the educational hours can vary and are the development responsibility of the chapter designing the institute. Individuals enrolled in an institute will have six years to complete the institute program.
Examinations and/or testing are not required for national institute approval. The Institute has the flexibility to develop and implement an assessment tool at the completion of their course but are encouraged to create and track some type of assessment or examination to quantify the progress and quality of experience of individuals enrolled in an institute.
Experience or Education
No minimum experience or education level is required for national institute approval.
Delivery Method
The Chapter has the flexibility to determine the delivery format for their Institute.
Hours of Classroom Instruction
Institutes must contain a minimum of 90 hours of instruction in order to meet the nationally approved template requirement.
Instructor Standards
The Chapter has the flexibility to obtain suitable instructors for their audience. It is recommended that instructors have a range of experience in public works and the Chapter evaluates their instructors on a regular basis. Chapters are encouraged to support continued instructor development and provide feedback on evaluation results.
Ongoing Program Evaluation
Each Institute will provide APWA with a brief annual report summarizing at a minimum: number of attendees, roster of graduates and dates training took place. It is recommended that Institutes also include in the annual report: topics delivered, course rosters, list of instructors, evaluation summary (when available) and future Institute dates and schedules (when available).
Continuing Education
A chapter’s education chair or institute point-of-contact can apply for continuing education credit (CEUs or PDHs) for an approved institute if it meets the criteria required of all chapter educational events.
How Will My Chapter Benefit from Offering an Institute program?
Offering an institute program can benefit your chapter in several ways:
- Training a new generation of leaders and managers for the agencies located in your area
- Increasing the visibility and membership of your chapter
- Producing additional revenue for your chapter
How Much Time Will it Take?
Offering a chapter institute program requires a large commitment from your chapter. It is highly recommended you identify an ongoing steering/planning committee to oversee the program. Responsibilities of the committee could include:
- Identification of content and speakers each year
- Marketing and recruitment of attendees
- Review and discussion of evaluation results
- On-site appearances at institute meetings
How Much Will it Cost My Chapter?
Adaptability and flexibility to accommodate regional and cultural needs were a priority for the Public Works Institute Task Force. Therefore, as long as chapters address the 10 core areas of study and provide a minimum of 90 educational classroom contact hours of instruction, they have the flexibility to tailor the program to fit their specific needs. A Steering/Planning Committee is proposed to oversee and verify the institute objectives are met. Chapters will have the ability to determine the scheduling and emphasis of the core areas of study, registration fees, higher education affiliations/sponsorships, and the use of self-assessment tools and examinations. Fee determination associated with the Institute will be the responsibility of the chapter.
What is the Process for an Institute to Get Approved by APWA?
To apply for APWA national approval of a local Institute, chapters are required to submit the following:
- APWA Chapter Public Works Institute Application Form
- APWA Chapter Public Works Institute Application Curriculum Analysis and Conversion Chart
- Copy of your institute agenda
- Copy of institute catalog or course descriptions
Send your completed forms, agenda and course description to APWA Education Team, by mail to 1200 Main, Suite 1400, Kansas City, MO 64105, or by e-mail to
A member panel will review each application to determine if it qualifies as an approved institute. After completion of that review a letter of acceptance, or a letter noting missing requirements, is sent to the chapter’s contact person.
What Resources are Available to Chapters Hosting an APWA Nationally Approved Institute?
Approved institutes have access to a collection of curriculum resources and templates. These resources are available in the Resource Center.
Who Can I Contact if I Still Have Questions or Need Help Getting Started?
For questions or concerns please contact our Education team at or at 800-848-2792.