Welcome Message
Joe Giudice
Solid Waste Management Committee Chair
Solid waste management experienced an original renaissance with automated truck collection, Subtitle D and C landfill regulations to protect the environment, waste to energy, and the introduction of reduce, reuse, recycle. Solid waste is now experiencing a second revival as circular economy investments rise, technology, robotics, and AI advancements are made in collection and processing, and communities across North America and internationally pursue zero-waste initiatives to protect natural resources and the environment.
If you and your community share these goals, we invite you to join the Solid Waste Management Committee Knowledge Team as we work to provide education and engagement opportunities to members, nonmembers, and outside organizations to ensure solid waste professionals have up-to-date information and resources to serve communities safely and efficiently. To join the Knowledge Team, contact education@apwa.org.
Live Event
March 21 CLL Webinar: Procuring and Contracting for Solid Waste and Recycling Services
Since solid waste and recycling contracts are typically long-term, solid waste and recycling professionals often have limited experience procuring and drafting contracts for these services. A successful procurement and contract can facilitate a long-term partnership that provides a reliable and quality service within the community. The program will include an overview of key technical provisions, considerations to reduce the cost of service, and much more.
APWA members register for FREE!
Solid Waste Management New Directors Guide: Collections
Solid Waste Management New Directors Guide: Post Collections