About This Group
To provide APWA members with resources for exchanging and developing ideas, information, skills, knowledge, and technologies for the advancement of APWA’s transportation objectives and to develop and promote environmentally sound, sustainable, cost effective, and safe systems that enhance the livability and quality of life in our communities through active public involvement.
Resources for Members
The Transportation Committee has developed resources for members which can be found in the Resource Center and on the Focus on Transportation webpage.
The Transportation Committee has four very active subcommittees:
Federal Transportation Subcommittee
The primary role of the Federal Transportation Subcommittee is to ensure that federal level policymakers are educated on APWA’s surface transportation priorities. The subcommittee also serves as a template to APWA members in their local advocacy efforts.
Road Safety Subcommittee
The Road Safety Subcommittee’s mission is to assist APWA member agencies to reduce the frequency and severity of serious crashes in their own jurisdictions, with policies and techniques that are cost-effective and appropriate for local governments.
Sustainable Transportation Subcommittee
The Sustainable Transportation Subcommittee’s mission is to gather information on best practices in sustainable transportation and encourage their use by educating APWA membership. The APWA Sustainability and Resiliency Committee’s core principles also provide guidance to this subcommittee’s efforts.
Winter Maintenance Subcommittee
The Winter Maintenance Subcommittee’s mission is to promote the development and use of the safest, most cost-effective, efficient, and environmentally sensitive winter maintenance technologies, equipment, materials, and practices; thus providing citizens with excellent quality of life during the snow and ice season.
The Winter Maintenance Subcommittee has developed two certificate programs:
- The Winter Maintenance Operator Certificate is for those “behind the wheel” during winter maintenance events.
- The Winter Maintenance Supervisor Certificate is for supervisors and managers.
APWA Connect – Share and Discuss
Members interested in discussing transportation topics with other APWA members are encouraged to subscribe within APWA Connect, which will be relaunched in 2025. This forum connects you with other transportation professionals and provides opportunities to post and answer questions to your peers.
Contact Us
Email the Transportation Committee.
Committee Roster
Suzanne McCain, PE, LSI
T2 Utility Engineers, Inc.
Branch Manager
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vice Chair
Kevin Hensley
City of Grimes
Director of Public Works
Grimes, Iowa
Gary Browning, CPM
LTAP – ODOT Office of Local Programs
Training Program Manager and Safety Circuit Rider
Columbus, Ohio
Mike Busch, PE, PTOE
Oates Associates, Inc.
Project Manager
St. Louis, Missouri
Pat Conner, PE
Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program
Lead Engineer – Transportation Asset Management
West Lafayette, Indianna
Marie Marston, PE, QSD/QSP
David Evans and Associates
Sr Project Manager/Sr Associate
Tustin, California
Technical Director
Darren Schulz, PE
City of Carson City
Public Works Director
Carson City, Nevada
Staff Liaison
Ashley Scherzer
American Public Works Association
Education Manager
Kansas City, Missouri