Kansas City, MO—Today, the American Public Works Association (APWA) is pleased to announce the selection of Ms. Tracy Peterson and Mr. Charles Jones as the 2024 Jennings Randolph International Fellows. Ms. Peterson will conduct a study tour in Australia and attend the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) International Public Works Conference from April 30–May 3, 2024, in Melbourne, Australia. Mr. Jones will participate in a study tour in the Netherlands and attend the Stadswerk Future Green City Congress to be held September 23–26, 2024.

Ms. Tracy Peterson, Municipal Engineer, City of Ames, Iowa
a headshot of Tracy Peterson, a 2024 Jennings Randolph International FellowMs. Petersen has worked for over 20 years as the Municipal Engineer and Division Head of Public Works Engineering for the City of Ames, Iowa. She administers the city’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit activities and coordinates development for code compliance while also implementing numerous green infrastructure capital projects throughout the city’s communities. Tracy also manages Streets, Water Systems, Sanitary Sewer Systems, and the Storm Water Systems Capital Improvement Programs.

Tracy has received numerous public works awards over the last 20 years, including the 2023 APWA Iowa Chapter Environmental Project of the Year for the Ioway Creek Flood Mitigation project and the 2022 Public Sector Impact Award by the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance (IAWA). Tracy holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Iowa State University.

Mr. Charles Jones, Deputy Street Superintendent, City of Charlotte Department of Transportation, North Carolina
a headshot of Charles Jones, a 2024 Jennings Randolph International FellowMr. Jones has been the Deputy Street Superintendent for the City of Charlotte since 2017. He oversees the maintenance operations of three districts comprised of 129 field employees and supervisors tasked with the construction and maintenance of more than 5,300 lane miles of roadway infrastructure. His team is responsible for operations and asset management of the roadway system, including equipment, materials, and the city’s pavement preservation program. Charles manages the division’s concrete construction program to build compliant accessible ramps and sidewalks in support of the Americans With Disabilities Act, and he also coordinates response to emergencies and special events.

“The advantage of this program is that Fellows get a chance to see how other countries do things such as water treatment and the use of sustainable materials,” said APWA President Gary Losier. “Both Ms. Peterson and Mr. Jones will be able to share the knowledge and experiences they gain during their fellowships within their respective agencies and with the APWA membership.”

The Jennings Randolph International Fellowship Program is a unique international study and professional exchange opportunity that promotes collaboration and sharing of public works best practices, knowledge, and innovation, both internationally and with public works colleagues in North America. The program was established by APWA in 1987 and is administered by APWA’s International Affairs Committee. The Fellowship is named after former West Virginia Representative and Senator Jennings Randolph, known as the “Dean of Public Works Legislators,” who served as the Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee from 1966 through 1981.

Through the Jennings Randolph International Fellowship Program, APWA strives to further these international principles:

  • To provide an opportunity for individuals to broaden their knowledge and exchange experiences and information on technologies and advances in public works through contact with APWA’s international partners;
  • To promote friendship and understanding among public works professionals on an international basis;
  • To provide a venue for the exchange of information between APWA and APWA’s international partner countries.

For additional information about APWA’s Jennings Randolph International Fellowship Program, or about APWA, please contact APWA Chief Growth Officer Jared Shilhanek at or (816) 595-5257.

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About APWA

The American Public Works Association ( is a not-for-profit, international organization of more than 32,000 members involved in the field of public works. APWA serves its members by promoting professional excellence and public awareness through education, advocacy, and the exchange of knowledge. APWA is headquartered in Kansas City, MO, has an office in Washington, D.C., and 62 chapters and 97 branches throughout North America.


Jared Shilhanek
APWA Chief Growth Officer
(816) 595-5257;